Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Trying to go to Work

Well, I am up and trying to put in a day's work. I got up Monday and went in and came home within a few hours. I didn't even try yesterday. This new chemo pill is really hard to take. I am having a very hard time not feeling nausea even with all the pills they have given me. I just want to stay in bed and sleep and sleep. Well I am going to try and take the pills starting after school and during the night. Maybe that way I can stay well enough to go to work. There are only 13 more days left of school. I really would like to be able to function normally today. So if you are reading this just please say a little prayer for me to be feeling well and be able to do my job.



Dan Bryant said...
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Dan Bryant said...

If the teachers can give to you days from the sick bank, could they also take the pills for you and you get the benefit? As we learned at Men's Conference, there is no mountain top with a mountain to climb. What a mountain top you will have! Everyone wants the mountain top but no one wants the climb. However, there is only one way to get to that mountain top and that is to climb.

Bro. Pugh told us of his experience and that it hurt so bad at one point all he could do was a few steps at a time, then rest; a few steps, and rest; a few steps, and rest.

However, when he got to the top, HE FORGOT ALL ABOUT THE PAIN and enjoyed that experience of being on the mountain top!

The Bryants love you and appreciate you and are praying for you. I think about you everytime I see the picture of us in the front room because I remember that you took it.

(I dee-leeted the 1st comet bee cause i didnot spel wrds write)