Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I work with Awesome People

I am home, It is after 2. My boss sent me home and told me to take my medicine. He said I was P------ him off. He didn't give me those days to waste He wants me to take them and get well, go home and call in for the next few days. I said okay. I have been soooooo sick, never has a chemo kicked me down so bad, but the good news is it must be kicking the cancer that bad also.

I have had someone offered and doing my lesson plans for the remainder of the year. I have dinner coming over tonight. I came home during my planning period and took a catnap and our secretary gave me a wake up call. I just work with such caring people. Pray a prayer of blessing on my Alamo family. We are a very close staff.

Love everyone else in my life also. I don't know how anyone could go through all this without the Lord first and then a very supportive group of people. I have family, church family and work family. I have friends also but they are all so tremendous they seem more like family.

Sorry for my bosses use of language it was in the office with the door closed so no children at least heard him. He usually watches his language very well. He is the best boss.


Anonymous said...

relax , take your meds
love you bunches

Madison S. said...

Let me know when I can cook something! Or tell me what the boys will eat and I will just cook it and bring it! We love you and are praying daily for you!