Saturday, May 12, 2007

Saturday Expecting Jason

I am excited. I have been up for over 4 hours and waiting for the time that Jason comes in. I have not seen him since he broke his nose. I am waiting to see how he looks. They (the doctor) is suppose to break it on Tuesday and fix it. Hopefully all will be well for the wedding pics. :-) Joseph is here and fixing me lunch. My sister came over and brought donuts, then called Jody and her crew come over. So now you can see why I have been up for so long. Pray for strength saints.

Love you all bunches


Gene Holley said...

Broken nose? What is this all about?

Linda Elms said...

I talked to Jason the other day and he told me about his nose getting broken. I felt sorry for him, but I had to laugh when he told me he was playing baseball and missed the ball!!!!! I know you've had a great time with him today.