Sunday, April 29, 2007

Our Chicago Trip

Since we are home I thought I would share where we went. We took off a few times and went to downtown Chicago. We went to the Sears tower one day and then we came back a different day. On that day we went to the aquarium and the museum. We had a great time.

We went bowling with my niece and her kids in Wisconsin and then we went home with her on Friday. We went to a pot luck at her church and then she took us to the airport. We had a good time considering what we were up there for.

The people at CTCA were very positive and that was good. We met some people from other places. Say a prayer for the Shepard brothers. One of them was not given much hope and it looks bad. We talked with one of them a lot and talked about church and all.

In my flickr you can see some of the pics I took. I was trying to do a slide show but don't have that working yet. Will try again later or tomorrow.


Linda Elms said...

It is so good having you and Joseph home! I missed you both so much, but I'm glad you had a nice time. That's what you call, "making the best of a bad situation". You amaze me!

meliaka said...

Glad you're back!

Gene Holley said...

It was so good to see you yesterday! Just wish we could have talked a little while.