Thursday, May 03, 2007

New Chemo is really Old

Well, just came back from the doctors and found out the chemo pills I am on are really the older pills they use to use to fight ovarian cancer. They are making me so sick. I don't know if this is good or not. It seems the sicker I am when on chemo the more it does against the cancer. The better I feel the less it seems to be working. So I guess I just need to hang in there for a few weeks until I have a few weeks off. Again the doctor here was not very encouraging. He said it was just a last chance effort from the doctor up there and it was just like flipping a coin as to what may work and may not. I get depressed enough without him making me feeling worse. Oh well, thanks for all your prayers, don't even want to think of where I would be without them.


Karla said...

Sis. Barbara - I'm sorry this is making you so sick! All I have to say about the doctors' comments is this - they have been negative all along, they are not the one's using the "cutting edge" treatments - it's very possible he doesn't even know what he's talking about. LOL! That said - maybe they've figured out the "old" treatment really works better than any new ones or maybe this treatment just LOOKS like an old treatment he knew about but is really new!! We're still praying and believing. God is still in control!!!!

Kassie said...

I'm praying for you everyday. Love you.

Linda Elms said...

Sis. Barbara, I agree with Karla on this! Doctor's can be so discouraging and I just don't understand why they can't see what their words do to someone that is fighting for the answer. It is so frustrating!!! I am praying for you and trusting in our great God....our Healer! I love you!

Karen Prince said...

Love and Prayers for you.

Anonymous said...

Ditto you all these comments!! God is STILL in control, and no one can take that power away from Him. My prayers are constantly with you.

Love ya bunches!

Anonymous said...

I do not like you being so sick . I love you so much . I pray for you continuosly . Get as much rest as you can , if you need me call .

Stephanie said...

You are in our prayers. We love you!