Saturday, February 24, 2007

Parent Talk

I just got back from "Parent Talk" at church. It was a wonderful seminar of annointed teaching and sharing done by members of the church to encourage and help parents in bringing up their kids.

Joseph did an excellent job, but then some may say I am prejudiced. When I hear one of my children speak I am always so thankful. Joseph did a wonderful job and all I could do was think about how proud his Dad would have to tell him he was of him. Then I think of the comment that is usually made about your children not doing any better than you have in living for God. I beg to differ with this statement because it seems like our boys have just blown us away. They have such a firm grip on truth and what is important in their lives. I am just so thankful to God for allowing us to raise them in truth.

Bro. Andrew did an excellent job also. He taught on the internet and pitfalls for our kids. There are so many ways kids can get caught up in something they shouldn't. I remember reading my kids emails some when they first started getting online. This was the older boys. The boys now don't even get online unless I am right there. There is just too much trouble for them to get into, and until they show me they are responsible enough and making the right choices, then they will not have that freedom. They have not demonstrated that they can be trusted yet with this responsibility. And by all means keep the computers where you can monitor them. The statistics Bro. Andrew quoted were very, very scary!

Bro. Elms had fourteen rules for raising kids. They were his mother's. I had a few of them figured out before the seminar started, just maybe in different words. Every rule was great. Sis. Pauline Elms is still making a difference in helping mothers raise their children. She did such a wonderful job with her four.

Last, but not least, Sis. Elms interviewed Sis. Johnnie. I loved it. I loved it because I love Sis. Johnnie and she is a wonderful lady. Many times she has encouraged me in the raising of my younger boys. Something I need at times because sometimes it seems I am just on their case all the time. Then she has complimented them at times when they are doing well. She is an awesome lady.

Thanks to my church for continuing to help us to raise up a godly generation of children who love God and want to live for God.


Linda Elms said...

Thank you Sis. Barbara for your break-down of Parent Talk. It was a wonderful day with wonderful speakers and information. About you not being as good as your boys in living for God....well that is to be debated! LOL! You and Bro. Joe are the REASON your boys love God. They saw it exampled through you! Love you bunches!

Tammy Bryant said...

Sis. Barbara - your boys are wonderful, all of them but truly because of the great teaching/learning that have received at home. You are a wonderful role model and your boys are too. Keep up the great work and you will live on thru many, just as Sis. Pauline Elms has.

Misty said...

Yesterday was great and I love all the information that was shared with us. I love being able to listen to someone tell things that will help you with raising your children and instilling the things of God into them. Your boys are awesome Sis Barbara and I know it is because of how strong and loving you and Bro Joe were. They are awesome men of God and I love seeing that. Love you.

bouellette said...

Thank you all for your kind words. I do think my boys are great. All of them I will have to say today, even though one seems to love to put me through the ringer.