Monday, February 26, 2007

Only through Prayer and Fasting

Somethings come only through prayer and fasting. I am asking those of you who will to pray and fast for me on Tuesday. I will be leaving Tuesday to go to MD Anderson. I want a good report.

Please continue to pray for Jody's son Nathan. He is still in the Intensive Care Unit. He was suppose to be there for a few days. It has turned into a week. He has been having some reactions to the drugs they are giving him.

I know we talk about prayer a lot but that is because prayer is the thing we can do that works. We can not take away the sickness, the pain, the frustrations of others but we can pray for them and God will have His will in their lives and that is true peace.

Have a great day. I am off to work for one day this week. God bless.


Madison S. said...

We will be praying and fasting. Linda also goes back to the oncoligist on wed. We will be waiting with great anticipation for good reports. IN JESUS NAME
Blog as soon as you can. We love you ooooooodles!!!!

Joseph James said...

In the blood of Jesus!

Linda Elms said...

In Jesus Name and through the power of His blood, let every cell in your body be cleansed! I'm believing God for complete healing. As I've said before....I will not give up! Let me hear from you as soon as you can. Love you!

One Crazy Bunch said...

I am praying for you and your family and believing with you for a good report and a complete healing. Look forward to your good report when you are home and able to blog. LOVE YOU!!

Tammy Bryant said...

In Jesus Name - complete healing! I love you great lady and I am trusting God & holding on in great anticipation for a miracle.