Wednesday, January 31, 2007

What I learned at LCA

First, LCA was Life Christian Academy. This was a private school we had at our church around 20 something years ago. I had the privilege of working there with our children. Hopefully they learned from the school as much, if not more, than I did. I learned:

Put God First. Easy to do in the Christian school, not as easy in a secular school. But…definitely the things to do in your life. It is the only way to live.

Consistency. Every day at the Christian school the teachers had a devotional time before beginning the day. Everyday Bro. Johnson had something to say with the word consistency in it. I have learned that consistency in all things works.

Every Child Can Succeed. Children are unique and God has plans for each one of them. Each one can be motivated you just have to find the key. You need to know your children so that you can find the key. Motivation can be in the form of bribery, verbal, or time spent doing something the child loves to do.

How to Discipline My Children (out of love not anger) My mother use to go nuts when she was mad at something we did. The school taught me if the child sinned to give them a lick with the paddle for each offense. Tell them how many they are getting and then send them to their room. Go in and pray with them and sometime later in the day make sure you touch them on the shoulder or hug them and let them know you love them.

Prayer First. Starting the day out with prayer really makes the day go better.
Fasting should be a way of life. We use to take a day a week to fast. It was so much better taking that one-day each week instead of doing it every now and then when you think you need to for something special.

Hiding the word of God in your heart is so valuable. There is nothing better to put in your brain then the word of God. All the scriptures that the students had to learn I had to learn. Or maybe I just learned from hearing them so much. But lessons like, to have friends you must show yourself friendly, and I can do all things through Christ, will ever be a part of me.

Thanks LCA, and thank you Lord for all the wonderful lessons you have taught me.


Karla said...

I didn't go to LCA, but really enjoyed your post about it. Thanks for sharing these lessons with all of us.

Keith and Carla said...

Sis. Barbara,

You mentioning LCA brings back so many memories! Thanks for the reminder.

Kassie said...

"LCA is the school we love, LCA is the school we love...." (I can't remember all the words to the song). I have a lot of memories from then, but the girls and I were talking about this the other night. I was the oldest in my kindegarten class of 5 or 6 Felicia was constantly getting demerits for looking over the divider to my desk. lol But who liked staring at a wall all day...?

jay5in said...

I have so many things to be proud of my mom for. One of the many are the shared lessons you learned and had the fortitude and discipline to teach to your boys, even it they didn't always stick. I love you Mom.

Gene Holley said...

LCA was quite an experience! I identify with some of what you mentioned here, but as a student I saw it from a different perspective! I was good at getting demerits, especially from Rita Frazier. I could never talk her out of it! There's some great lessons in this post.

bouellette said...

Bro. Gene, I remember you trying to talk your way out of a demerit for talking. LOL It is hard to believe that it was so long ago. Jason wasn't even in school he was in the nursery bunch.
And Kassie, Where you get an education ... I think that's correct. I was looking for my old yearbook. It had a great side profile of Bro. Holley in there.

Keith and Carla said...

I will have to add, Gene could almost always talk his way out of demerits, even when no one else could!

One memory that comes to mind is Gene with the catsup - those little packets. One day Gene had one and was squeezing it and Susan Brown was telling him, "You better not!" Well, he did, and the catsup went all over her white sweater and the walls! I don't remember if he talked his way out of that one or not!!!

Keith and Carla said...

Kassie, the rest of the words are, "...where we get an education in a Christian atmosphere...LCA is the schooool we love!"

Gene Holley said...

Yes, I did have to stay after school that day. I got automatic detention! And I really didn't mean for the packet to pop open - it was just as much a surprise to me as it was to her. Lots of memories.... I had fun.

bouellette said...

LOL, how did I miss that one. I do remember having rubber band fights with Barbara Johnson, Bro. Ensey,and Susan Brown. And the memory of Bro. Ensey in a red overall suit over his white shirt and tie. LOL Memories are wonderful