Friday, February 02, 2007

Numbers down 2 Points

It's not a lot but it's better than going up. If only the numbers would go down as fast as they go up. Had my CA 125 taken yesterday and the results were: it is now 68. Was 70 four weeks ago, so it went down.

I have only two more treatments of this chemo before I return to MDAnderson and have a CT Scan and all to see if this chemo is doing anything to the tumors. So keep me in your prayers. I know you have and Thanks. Won't find out anything new until March 1st. The tests will be run on the 27th.

The doctor did up my dosage of this chemo so I am feeling a little ill, just took a pill and am going to bed. Sleep tight all!


Madison S. said...

We are praying can't wait to hear the awsome report after the cat scan!!!!! Let me know if I can bake anything for you and the boys while you are not feeling well
love ya'll JulieK.

Karla said...

Every bit of good news is wonderful!!! Can't wait to hear more and to hear that God has answered prayer. Hope you're feeling better soon!

Linda Elms said...

Thank God! I love hearing the great news. God is hearing our prayers. More great news ahead. In Jesus Name!