Saturday, January 20, 2007

Love the Weekends!

Not that I hate my job. I love my job, but I love weekends.

Jason came up from Dallas to visit. It was great to see him. Joseph came over also and I just love having my "boys" around. Jason and I played cards and he cooked breakfast this morning. His father use to always cook breakfast on Saturdays. Then Jody came over to hook up my high speed internet, Thanks Jody. You are the greatest. So now I am going to get spoiled and be able to put more pictures up and all that. I hope you all will enjoy it.

And of course Sunday is the Lord's day. My day of rest. I go to church, go out to eat, come home and take a nap. Wake up and go back to church. Sometimes we go out after church and sometimes we just come home, Either way it is a day of rest and refreshing. Since we missed last week because of the weather I can't wait for tomorrow. I hope everyone has a very restful weekend


Linda Elms said...

I understand having the "boys" home. I'm glad Jason came up to see you. I know you had a great time. I have had a very peaceful, restful weekend, and I'm also looking forward to church tomorrow! You are going to be spoiled for sure with the "high-speed internet" and you're going to love it! Looking forward to the pictures.

Joseph James said...

Now you can blog at the same speed as all the rest of us! (You realize I gave you a hit to type this.) lol

Tammy Bryant said...

Sis. Barbara is into "high speed" and I love it for you. I too look forward to more pics and posts. Enjoy the new toy and see ya in the morning.

bouellette said...

Will see you all in the morning. Better get to bed so I can be bright eyed and bushy tailed.

Karla said...

I'm excited about seeing more pictures. Y'all have good "Wichita Falls" church tomorrow!!

Margaret said...

It is about time that you caught up with the rest of us.LOL. I am glad that you have had restful day and hope that your days will be filled with peace and rest.