Monday, January 22, 2007

Sitting at Home

Here I am sitting at home. Was running a fever last night and early today. Seem to be doing a little better. Still aching all over. But no one really wants to hear that. I need to get dressed but don't feel like that. Been living off of Tylenol.

My brother came over to do some maintenance that is long over due. David had jumped on the garage door and broke it. The pool was backwashed the other day and still leaking out. The hinge on the back gate is broken. Look at all the things that go to pot when your husband is not here to fix them right up. He got the pool stopped from leaking and we need to get parts for the rest sooooooo hopefully everything will be fixed soon. Enough gripping.

Had a wonderful service Sunday morning. Missed Sunday evening with the elevated temp, feeling sick, and aching. Hope everything will be back to normal for tomorrow. This week is my week off of chemo and I was looking forward to having a feel good week.

God is still in control and He is so good to me. Jody said one of her boys says she was becoming more like her Aunt Barbara. I hope that was a compliment. I know it wasn't meant to be, but I would take it to mean that God is making a difference in her life. Glory to God.

Joe's father asked to go to church yesterday. The first in over 30 years. He is 78 years old and having a lot of health problems. We are all praying that he will get his life right with God before He calls him home.


Linda Elms said...

Barbara, I hope you're feeling better. Take care of yourself. We missed you at church last night and I'm praying for you. Love you!

Tammy Bryant said...

In Jesus Name, God is working a miracle for you. I hope you feel better. Let me know if you need or even want anything.
Love ya my friend!