Saturday, January 06, 2007

Christmas is put away, and Jason is gone.

What a day. The younger boys and I have put all the Christmas decorations away and Jason came by this morning to say goodbye. It is a sad day. I know he will come back often, but it is just not the same. I am glad he is getting on with his life, but..... Oh well. I went to chemo on Thursday and had my CA125 test. This is my cancer marker numbers. It is suppose to be under 30. Well it sure rises fast and does not go down as fast. In fact it seems to take forever to go down. I was so depressed because I was waiting for my miracle. Everytime I go to MD Anderson I want them to confirm that God has taken the cancer away. Well, that didn't happen. And my CA 125 went from 45 last week to 70 this week. I sure don't understand but I am still trusting in God. Not feeling very good isn't making it any easier.


Jane said...

Hi Barbara! I'm at my parents house today helping them put their x-mas ornaments away. I'm sorry to hear about the cancer. My dad just got over his prostate cancer, which took 43 rounds of radiation. My prayers are with you.

Marty, a.k.a. canape said...

Many prayers coming your way that the numbers are going to come back down soon.

Karla said...

Sis. Barbara, He brought the numbers down before and He can do it again. Keep believing - we are! Love you!

Linda Elms said...

Sis. Barbara! Hold on to His healing power. He loves you so much!! We are believing God, not the doctor's reports!

Gene Holley said...

More prayers coming your way. Our church prayed again on Wednesday night for you. Keep believing in what you know is true... His love will see you through.