Thursday, April 05, 2007

Peace in the Midst of the Storm

Teenagers are gone for the weekend. YES!!! Holiday Youth Convention thank you. The boys are gone and peace and quiet is mine. Hope you all have as peaceful days as I plan on having for the next couple ones. :-)

I went to the doctor today and had my blood drawn. Had Avastin infused into me. I will call tomorrow and get my numbers to see if I continue the chemo pill at nighttime or start a new chemo drug. My doctor kept saying you look so good, you don't look like someone with this kind of disease. I told him I try my best to stay positive and I call on the Lord. He just shakes his head at me.

God is able.


Linda Elms said...

Sis. Barbara, have a wonderful few days to relax. Pamper deserve it! I will definitely continue in prayer for your healing.

Misty said...

Yes, enjoy your days of peace and rest. I just enjoyed some of mine own at Ladies Conference!

Anonymous said...

Sis. Barbara,
I thought of your post this morning
when I read "Zits" in the funny's.
If you haven't already seen it, you
need to read it. LOL
Hope these days are very restful for you.