Sunday, April 15, 2007

His Temple

Our bodies are the temple of God. He uses us to glorify Him, much as Moses’ staff was used. The staff was part of the job that Moses did before God called him to do something specific for Him. God used Moses’ staff to perform miracles. God has called me to use what I have to glorify him, right where He called me. I will have victory when I share the testimony with those I work with, the children I teach. I need to let others see my hope in Him, which my strength comes from the Lord. Any success I have in this fight against cancer comes from the Lord. Now is the time for the Lord to show all that “He is the one in control." It is time for the Lord to receive glory from this sickness. Let me proclaim in the schools the power of God and then sit back and watch His marvelous work take place in this body, His temple.

from today
Rejoice in the midst of your trials. James 1:12 tells us we can truly rejoice in the midst of trials. Why? Because the victories are already won! Our victories are in Jesus and He already won the victory. That's why you and I can claim the victory. Regardless of your circumstances, you already have the victory. The battle is won!

1 comment:

Linda Elms said...

AMEN! We will proclaim it everywhere when the healing takes place! I love you. Keep fighting! We are right by your side fighting with you.