Tuesday, March 06, 2007

God, Family, and Friends

You can face anything with God. Family and Friends make it easier also. This week has been one filled with the grace of God and family and friends by my side. Family feels the lose with you and friends help out in every way possible. I wonder what people do without these three.

God of course makes all the difference in a life. No matter what you go through, you know it has gone through God first. He is with you and He knows the outcome. Everything has a reason, we may not know the reason but we can trust in God. We know His word and that all things work together for good. We know that we can stand because He would not have allowed the trial if He didn't know we could handle it. God is good, all the time.

Family is there for you. Loves you no matter what and family not only extends from your biological family but to your church family. Those you love and those who love you. Those you pray for and those who pray for you. What do people do who alienate themselves from their families.

Friends, old and new are precious. As the old girl scout motto says, one is silver and the other's gold. Friends are like family, those you love and those who love you. Those you pray for and those who pray for you. And all a person has to do to have friends is show himself friendly. So many of my friends have helped me this past year over some very rough times and I am so thankful that the Lord has allowed me to have so many loving friends.

Joseph had said he prayed for me and wanted an encouraging angel to come and minister to me. Viola May said she wanted to be that angel. She is and so many more people are. Then I realized as I was encouraging someone else and she said, "I should be encouraging you and here you are encouraging me". That was an angel. We feel no better than when we can minister to others. It makes us forget our problems.

So, what am I trying to say? Just rambling. Just thankful. Those things which we can not buy or sell are the most precious.


Anonymous said...

Guess what? I LOVE YOU!

Karla said...

I couldn't agree more!! You are an awesome lady and friend to me!

Tammy Bryant said...

My dear Barb - You are so gracious when you talk about God, friends and family. How wonderful those feelings are!! I love you dearly and am thinking/praying for you often. Have a great day!!