Tuesday, February 13, 2007

He knows the Answers

But I don't. Here I am contemplating not having chemo on Thursday. I am so tired and I really don't know if this chemo is working. I do know I still have blood in my urine and the doctors here don't know why and don't seem to worried about it. Well, anything new scares me. I try not to let it bother me, but that doesn't mean I don't think about it and want to know what the problem is. What would missing one chemo before going to MD Anderson mean? Would it really make much of a difference. I have prayed about it and really don't know what to do. Will you please pray that God will let me know and give me peace about my decision. I know you all have been so good about praying for me, and I am thankful for every prayer. I almost hate to write about this because it just seems like such a bummer all the time. Thanks for all your prayers.

Everyone have a Happy Valentine's Day. Treat your sweetheart special.


Karla said...

We are praying for you that God will give you peace about your decision. We love you!

Linda Elms said...

Barbara, let the peace of God rule in your heart. You will know what to do. We're praying for a lovely, strong lady! Hold on to God's unchanging hand.