Monday, January 15, 2007

Cancers Myths and Reality

I thought I would give you all a little cancer true/false test. I was looking on the internet about plastics in microwaves, which the plastic industry says is just a myth and there is not enough toxins to hurt anyone, just a mouse. Soooo... we will just leave that one out. So take a quiz and see how you do. I learned something:

1. What someone does as a young adult has little impact on their chances of getting cancer later in life. (true or false)

2. There is currently a cure for cancer, but the medical industry won't tell the public about it because they make too much money treating cancer patients. (true or false)

3. Electronic devices, like cell phones, can cause cancer in the people who use them. (true or false)

4. Regularly eating meat cooked on a charcoal grill will increase cancer risk. (true or false)

5. The risk of dying from cancer in the US is increasing. (true or false)


The answers are:

1. True
2. False
3. True (Some scientific studies show a link, can not be dismissed as false. )
4. True
5. False

1. Is true because young people make choices that do effect the rest of their lives. Like smoking. Bro. Elms preached one time about this, yet young people do think nothing can happen to them. They are so young. Well, think again young people.

2. There are even books that claim they have cures for cancer. I do believe that if they had the all out cure we would know it. Something like that could not be kept a secret for long.

3. Interesting. This is the one I learned and it talked about certain brain tumors. Kind of scary.

4. And I love a good steak cooked outside, or a pork chop, or a chicken, or a hamburger, or....oh well you get the picture. And the more cooked the worse it is.

5. Thank God for this one, cancer is becoming more curable each year. The numbers are more because there are more people, but not a bigger percentage.

Hope you all learned something. And if you want to check it out yourself: Cancer Myths

and girls don't be afraid to read about the symptons of ovarian cancer.
frequent urge to urinate
wieght loss
lower back pain
adbominal swelling or bloating
plevic pain

soooo.... probably more information than you want to know, but something to put in the back of your brain. Ladies, if you have any of these problems and go to the doctors and they find nothing. Have them do a simple CA125 blood test. Although this is not a 100% for sure indicator, it could save a life.


Linda Elms said...

Thank you Barbara for the test. I think I knew most all of these, but it's good to be reminded. Being aware of symptoms could definitely save a persons life.

Misty said...

I missed half of them. I found them very interesting. I agree with the regular checks also. My mother was found with it accidentally but they got it quickly. She was only 38.