Thursday, December 21, 2006

New Drug is Navelbine

The new drug the doctors have ordered is Navelbine. If anyone out there has taken this type of chemo with Avastin, let me know what to expect. I really don't want to lose my hair again. The doctors have agreed I will continue this chemo until we find out if it is working or not. If not we will go to the abraxane that the insurance company has finally okayed.

The last post was to let you think of Christmas past. Let me know your favorite memory from a Christmas past. Christmas is such a happy time of the year.

Have a great day everyone, in Jesus' Name.

1 comment:

Gene Holley said...

Loved your memories! I learned, too, that my wife did not want something for the house for Christmas. My dad gave my mom an ax one year - that was quite a surprise for her! We needed one for splitting firewood, but she never expected it as a Christmas gift!