Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Ready for my Miracle

I am ready for my miracle. I have just been taken off of the chemo that was working. Apparently it is not working anymore. My cancer tumor marker numbers are up and so the oncologist here is trying to get something new okayed through my insurance company. I put in a call to MD Anderson and they have not called me back. So I am trusting in God and waiting for my miracle. Let Him do it now so everyone will know it is Him for sure. Thanks to everyone for your prayers. If it was not for the Lord I don't know where I would be. God is good!


Cpaturing Life's Moments said...

Wow I can't believe this. We were just talking the other day how it has shrunk and that you were not even worried about the results.
What hapened? What a roller coaster you are on. I am so sorry I wish you weren't so stinking far away. Come on Barb come up and lets party for our Birthdays. Been a long time that we have been together for our Bdays.
Well now we will pray and trust God to heal you again and shrink this cancer for good.God is good and he loves you and so do I.
You hang in there Barb I am here any time you need me.
Love ya

bouellette said...

Thanks Patti. I am trusting in God to do His work. He is not done with me yet. I am standing on the promise He gave me at the beginning of this when He led me to the scripture that "this sickness is not unto to death, but to bring glory to God, so the son of man may be glorified thereby."